“For heights and depths no words can reach,
Music is the soul’s own speech!”

hen I set out to work on this recording project, I had no idea just how hard it would be. And since I am a perfectionist, it did not make things any easier. I was looking for a certain sound to penetrate the heart of the listener. I refer to it as the sound of inspiration. Some even call it “the anointing!” It is that sound that leaves the listener in a better condition than before their ears were exposed to such music. It causes a person to cry, laugh, and even to go into deep thought, bringing them to the place where they will examine themselves and the meaning of this life. It is like a cold glass of water in the desert, and rain that comes in the time of drought to give much needed saturation. This sound brings the soul of man to heights and depths that could not be reached otherwise. The sound I am alluding to is…THE SOUND OF THE VERY PRESENCE OF GOD! May this music that you will partake of be the very inspiration, anointing, and presence of God to your soul!

Thomas Kissinger is a friend of mine. I believe you will find his Christian music very anointed, inspirational and up-lifting.

Wow! that was great! What a blessing your teaching and your music. God bless you richly !

I Believe